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If I Could Have Just One More Day with You
Grief Journey, Losing a Spouse or Partner, Poetry, Music & Art

If I Could Have Just One More Day with You

I would shower you with kisses.

Walk hand in hand to the beach

And tell you over and over again

How much I love you

How much we all love you

How much we need you in our lives

How so very important you are

How you’re our son’s favorite superhero

How you’re in my every waking thought

And the thought of life without you undoes me

How much your son needs you to grow up and be a man–a good man like you

How the world became terrible when you left

How I have to learn to breathe again and I don’t want to

How sorry I am that I never told you enough of this when you were here

How broken we all are

How much I will love you forever

And every day I wake up

I’m a bit older

And closer to the day

We will meet again

And I will kiss you with tears streaming and wait impatiently for that day

And that’s when I will stop crying

And stop missing you

That moment I take my final breath.


Forever my husband and Jesse’s Daddy