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Sometimes There Are No Words, Just a Knowing
Emotions & Challenges, Grief Journey

Sometimes There Are No Words, Just a Knowing

Sometimes on this journey, whether it’s grief, life, loss, or change – we seem to face a never-ending array of experiences that we must figure out how to manage or live with and through. This morning, it dawned on me reading the posts here, that sometimes what we need to hear the most is…it’s okay to be just who and what you are today.

You don’t need to be brave, you don’t need to be strong, you don’t need to be positive, and you don’t need to be anything but just you. Tall, short, on your knees, or standing defiantly – whatever and wherever you find yourself is enough because you are doing the very best you can.

Advice from those who have inspired me:

  • Be soft and kind to your soul and mind.
  • There is enough time to be where you are today and be where you need to be tomorrow.
  • Being you, means being you – not what anyone else needs or wants from you.
  • A soft mind is a soft voice – kindness matters.
  • You are the conductor of your life – take your time to find your notes.

Sending anyone who needs it today genuine care and a knowing that you will find your footing when you are ready, and that is all that matters.

Sometimes, saying nothing but just holding someone’s hand is all they need.

Holding your hand today.

About the Author

Heidi Botterill

Heidi lost her long-time love and partner from the consequences of suicide in 2012. She found and joined the Alliance of Hope 18 months after. It was a lifeline with folks who understood what a dark and difficult path it was to walk. Now, with some time under her belt she offers thoughts and a shoulder to lean on for those walking the same path. The experience changed her and her life irrevocably, once a survivor of this, always a champion for those who are forced to navigate their way through it.Read More »