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September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and we are launching a campaign on Facebook to increase awareness about the challenges faced by suicide loss survivors.

In the U.S., 45 million people have lost a loved one to suicide. Many people are not aware that loss survivors can be at higher-risk for suicide themselves, because of the overwhelming pain and complicated grief they experience.

Our “Someone You Know” campaign was created by Pinckney T. a member of our community who lost her brother to suicide. Pinckney understands firsthand why it’s so important for survivors to have support. This is what she shared with us about her inspiration for the campaign:

When I lost my brother to suicide, it was difficult to find support, as well as others who had gone through what I had gone through. People’s fear and avoidance of my grief, as well as stigma, added to my sense of isolation. When I connected with other survivors, I realized how many of us experience an extremely lonely psychological journey that leaves us with more questions than answers – something unique to suicide loss.

When I talk to people and ask them what they think can prevent suicide, they suggest things like “support,” “communication,” and a “safe place” to talk to someone. Loss survivors are a high-risk group that need those same things: support, communication, and a safe place to talk. I wanted people to understand the depth of that need, and what a vital lifeline the Alliance of Hope is for people who are suffering this kind of loss.

With 45 million loss survivors in the U.S. alone, someone YOU know needs help. They need someone to hear them and understand – not shy away from or be uncomfortable around the subject. Someone you know needs the Alliance of Hope to keep going. Their online forum operates like a support group 24/7/365. There is always someone to say, “I know what you’re going through, and I’m here,” even if it’s 3am. And that is invaluable.

Throughout the month, we will be sharing #SomeoneYouKnow posts on our Facebook page. We invite you to share those posts. Join us in educating others about what survivors need after suicide, and the free resources available through the Alliance of Hope. We also invite you to consider helping us continue to provide this free support, by creating a Facebook Fundraiser this month.

About the Author

Ronnie Walker MS, LCPC

Ronnie Walker MS, LCPC is the Founder and Executive Director of the Alliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors. She is a survivor of suicide loss.Read More »