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About Rabbi Dr. Baruch HaLevi

Dr. Baruch HaLevi is a Logotherapist (meaning-centered psychotherapist), ordained rabbi, and certified Enneagram coach. He is co-founder and Executive Director of Soul Centered, a Denver, CO-based, center for individuals seeking meaning, purpose, and healing, and creator of The Defiant Spirit, a counseling and executive coaching program. He is also the creator of the Defy Your Number Enneagram system, combining the work of his teacher and mentor, Dr. Viktor Frankl, logotherapy, and the Enneagram, an ancient personality typing system. He is the author of multiple books including, Spark Seekers: Mourning with Meaning; Living with Light, detailing his personal journey through surviving the loss of both his father and grandmother to suicide, as well as detailing best practices for navigating grief having guided thousands of people through loss.

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