In Remembrance of Mostafa Nagy
1993 - 2020Mostafa was my soul mate. I loved him so much - he was the most amazing, energetic, kind, and lovely guy.
We fell in love through music and art.... Everyone loved him a lot...
He died by suicide in 17th march at 2 :19 pm by ingesting cyanide.
I miss him a lot and I will always.
The last thing he said was how much he loves me.
He took part of my soul with him.
He lived a life full of joy and love but the last 2 years was hard for him, full of pain and financial problems he couldn't handle.
He had amazing brown eyes, dark hair, amazing body odor, and the most beautiful smile.
He always loved me to sing for him "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away"
He had a lot of amazing dreams and plans but he was just to tired to continue.
For your memorial my "علبه التونه حجي♥️"
I will hold you for a million years to make you feel my love
- Bob Dylan