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Jenny Kathryn Wilson Memorial

In Remembrance of Jenny Kathryn Wilson

1996 - 2020

Jenny, you brought so much to your 24 earthly years--a huge heart for animals of ALL kinds, including human ones, and a special passion for learning about and helping non-human animals, so they can be honored and can thrive again in the world. From day one, whether designing, writing, drawing, sewing, photography, video editing, or acting, it was your gift and absolute joy to immerse yourself in creating something new. As a stage performer, you would so fully inhabit characters that some wondered aloud if you were even acting. 

You brought your bright, irresistible smile, quiet demeanor, and your unexpected & hilarious comments to leave us stunned or laughing, at THE most unexpected moments! You are very deeply missed, and our love for you continues to grow, every day. We are witnesses to your life, which shall be shared and not forgotten, and we are profoundly grateful for the time we were granted to spend alongside you here in the physical. Peace to you, my daughter and my inspiration. --Mom