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In Remembrance of Gordie Colbert

1966 - 2020

30 years ago I fell in love with a small town New Melle guy, who had the biggest heart and did anything and everything to help anyone in need. His dedication and work ethic was truly amazing.  When Gordie made a goal for himself he always achieved it from studying and passing both tests for Master Plumber for St. Louis City and County plus St. Charles County while working full time and coaching baseball for our boys. His biggest accomplishment was being 6 years sober. His dedication to AA and his sobriety was the most incredible thing to me. 

I miss his smirk and his beautiful blue eyes. I miss his smell and voice. I miss his random I Love you text messages. I so desperately want him back and wish I could have taken the cancer away. I know his why but will never understand or agree. 

Love you forever,


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
