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DavidForever34 Memorial

In Remembrance of DavidForever34

1111 - 2015

Son, your golden heart lives on in the ripples of kindness, everyday. We miss you though, beyond comprehension. The love you sprinkled here on Earth for over 34 years, has helped more people than you could ever imagine. BUT, the anguish, sadness, loss, "missing-ness" of your 6'2" Tigger bouncing, back flip, smiling, self, is & has been so, so, so hard. We can hear you & see you in God's beauty, in nature, at ocean's edge, double rainbows, blue skies, golden sunshine, or dark clouds & thunder storms. The passals of Butterflies, swarms of Dragon Flies, Fireflies, sweet sounds of birds singing 24 hours a day. Beautiful, Beautiful Boy, grown into an amazing Man, we know you didn't want to leave. Things like major pharmaceuticals for anxiety & depression, issued via RX without Docs insisting on  counseling or coping strategies, along with various other substances that you disguised as fatigue from the heat, stress, a break up, shouldering the burdens all alone, because mistakenly thought none of us would want to, or should have to... help. The level of drugs in your brain, caused a mental explosion, resulting in one fatal action, one shot to the chest, with no "do-overs." Babe, we ALL would have banded together and helped, could have gotten you inpatient and paid all your bills meanwhile, as you got clean, & learned ways to manage everything. I know it is too late for you here on Earth, & has been 9 years since you left. However, there may be others who feel boxed in, painted in a corner, feeling trapped with no way out. This site is for Survivors of loss of loved ones to Suicide & someone may read this & find words to help buy more time for someone pondering taking their own life. If we all talk or write when able, we increase chances of helping someone "STAY" & also while they stay, helping them regain their footing & create a fresh life peace, happiness, joy, one day at a time. Precious David, we love you & miss you. Forever & Always, Mom&Pops

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, honest accomplishment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

- Leo Buscaglia