Beyond Surviving
In the initial days, weeks and months following the suicide of a loved one, emotions may be very debilitating. So much so that many people wonder how they can survive. One of the most important things to know is that people do survive – and even eventually go beyond just surviving, to experience happy, meaningful and contributory lives. Read encouraging words from survivors.
Losing a Son – The Lost and Found
By Joni Greever
Being able to look at the big picture – believing that this lifetime is a tiny part of our eternity and that we’ll meet again – has helped tremendously in my healing.
Losing a Parent: Relationships with the Dead Have a Life of Their Own
by Franklin Cook
Even as the reality of my father as a living person slips further and further into the past, his influence in my life – which is now almost exclusively a very positive influence – continues to grow.
Losing a Spouse: Love Outlasts Pain
by Jan McDaniel
After life-changing loss, there is a period when we are trying to stay with our lost loved ones, a place between death – where they have gone – and life, where we are supposed to be.
Losing a Partner: Healing According to My Own Schedule
By Dan Pallotta
I am filled with a sense of one powerful, singular truth, which is, if you just stay in the world, have patience and have faith, anything is possible – absolutely anything.
Losing a Sibling: Facing Grief – Finding Life
By Kelley Clink
…the longer I was able to sit with my brother’s death, the more spaces there was for me to breathe again. To laugh. To dance.
Losing Friends: Collateral Damage
By Paul McMickle, Viet Nam Vet
Survivors can heal and live a fulfilled life, despite loss. And you can and will make a difference for others, both those you currently know, and those you’ve yet to meet.